The Story

When East meets West… when Lao Tzu wrote down the 81 verses of the Tao Te Ching 2,500 years ago in ancient China, he may not have realised the impact its philosophy would have millenniums later in the West and the newly-emerging profession of life-coaching.

When Julia from Taiwan met Nick from England on a coaching course, they didn’t realise at first that they had a common interest in the work of Lao Tzu. This joint interest soon became a course project. As we explored a few verses of the Tao, we began to see how Lao Tzu’s teachings could be related to personal development and coaching principles.

On this blog we intend to continue this work by exploring one verse of the Tao Te Ching each week. We invite you to join us on our journey and add your own thoughts to deepen our learning. How do you interpret Lao Tzu’s message? And how does it speak to you as a coach?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Verse 78

Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water.
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.

The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice.

Therefore the Master remains serene in the midst of sorrow.
Evil cannot enter his heart.
Because he has given up helping,
he is people's greatest help.

True words seem paradoxical.

[For Personal Development]
  • Perseverance overcomes obstacles.
  • Athletes reach their peak state often when they are relaxed and alert, not when they are rigid and tense. Many martial art techniques must be applied with muscles relaxed, with softness, yielding, and flexibility.
  • Things that are weak have potential and room for more. Things that are strong have reached their maturation, exposed everything and showed all the negatives. Things that are weak will last longer. Things that are strong only last for a short time.

[For Coaching]

  • Stay centered and tranquil as a coach. Often static overcome dynamic, weak overcome strong and slow overcome fast.
  • Invite the client to let go of control in their life and relationships. It opens up a space for something new to come in and allow themselves to release the stress.
  • Our clients naturally creative, resourceful and whole. Coaching is not about trying so hard to “help”; it is partnering with the clients and help them to find their own answers.