nothing surpasses thrift and moderation.
Restraint begins with giving up one's own ideas.
This depends on virtue gathered in the past.
If there is a good store of virtue, then nothing is impossible.
If nothing is impossible, then there are no limits.
If a man knows no limits, he is fit to lead.
This is the way to be deeply rooted and firmly planted in the Tao,
the secret of long life and lasting vision.
[For Personal Development]
- Leaders share a vision going behind the current limitations, to inspire others to follow and to make seemingly impossible possible.
- Be aware and accept our own limits. One cannot fill a full cup.
- Awareness is the precursor to choice.
- Building a strong, deep personal foundation empowers clients to reach for the stars.
- Let go of our own agenda to support clients’ growth and discovery.
- Be open to not knowing.
- Ask questions that create new awareness for the clients and open new possibilities for them.